The issue of paying child support has become even more critical during the shelter at home orders.
Parents that can’t work, but have their kids at home need support more than ever.
Parents that owe child support, are not going to be receiving their government incentives.
The kids, who are always the most important part of the question, are going to need to find somewhere to go with schools closed when the economy starts again, and parents are working again, needing an alternative for their kids during the day. Child Support is sometimes the only resource to take care of this.
Child support is far more critical now than ever before.
While the Florida Department of Revenue Child Support Office is closed, here is the link to make your payments online.
For information on how to continue to work to either receive or send, child support through the Department of Revenue, please follow this link.
If you are having legal issues around child support, we understand that it is needed now more than ever, and Brandon Legal Group’s Family Law team is ready to support you.