Divorce Communication and Your Attorney – Discuss the Divorce With Your spouse

How should I communicate with my spouse about the issues you and I discuss?

Your divorce attorney should explain the significance of the attorney-client relationship and the issue of privileged communications. In addition, your lawyer should explain why you should not disclose attorney-client communications to third parties or your spouse. Appropriate communication about impending divorce is often complicated, especially if you are still living together or during heated arguments.

You obviously have to discuss the divorce with your spouse. However, discussing the divorce with your spouse does not imply discussing what your attorney told you and what you told your attorney.

Even ignoring legal implications, do you want to disclose anything that could reveal your and your attorney’s legal strategies, to help them prepare to defend themselves?


Brandon Legal Group
1209 Lakeside Drive
Brandon FL, 33510
(813) 902-3576


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