Many individuals are hesitant to shell out for a Private Investigator or a forensic attorney when going through a divorce. A seasoned divorce attorney can quickly determine when something “isn’t kosher”, and when there could be an advantage in knowing what the other party is hiding. Trust that instinct – Hire that professional!

Private investigators are especially useful for investigating people who own small businesses, as independent data about numbers of customers, employees and resources can give a much fuller picture of a person’s true finances.

Forensic accountants can give insight as to whether a person going through a divorce is getting accurate information from their soon to be ex-spouse. By spending a little now, you might be able to save yourself a bundle in the future. As always, every situation is unique. This series is intended to “start the thinking process” to take emotive choices out of a hard situation. Everyone’s situation is different, and this is not intended as legal advice. Please, speak to a divorce attorney prior to making any decisions, especially decisions based on a simple blog post. There are many mitigating factors that will go into the final divorce decree.

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