How Do You Create a Parenting Plan in Florida?

A parenting plan is a requirement under Florida Statues, for parents that are divorcing.  Creating a “parenting plan” requires crafting  a document that outlines the responsibilities of each parent when it comes to making decisions concerning their child’s education, health care, as well as their physical, social, and emotional development. The parenting plan must include the following elements:

  • The Parenting Plan includes a detailed description of how the parents will share responsibility for the daily duties associated with parenting their child, during separation and divorce;
  • The Parenting Plan must include a time-sharing schedule, with particular detail about the amount of time the child will spend with each parent; and a written agreement between the parents.
  • The plan is required to specify the means and technology that the parents will use to connect with the child such as email, phone, and other forms of electronic communication.
  • Included in the parenting plan are specifics about who will be responsible for: any and all forms of health care; If the judge orders shared parental responsibility over health care decisions, the parenting plan must state that either parent may consent to mental health treatment for the child; school-related matters, such as which address should be used to determine the child’s school registration; and other activities.

Several elements, including as the connection between the parents, any previous history of domestic violence, and other pertinent aspects, must be taken into consideration when developing the plan. A parenting plan can be established and agreed upon by the parents, after which it can be approved by the court. However, if the judge does not agree with the parenting plan agreed upon by the parents or if the parents are unable to agree on a parenting plan, the judge may elect to create their own parenting plan. Following the hearing of facts and testimony from both parents, the judge will create a parenting plan in certain circumstances.

For Details see

Florida Statutes 61.13(2) (b) and Florida Statutes 61.046 (13)


Brandon Legal Group
1209 Lakeside Drive
Brandon FL, 33510
Phone: (813)-902-3576

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