If My Ex Does Not Pay Child Support, May I Refuse to Allow Visitation?
No, is the quick response. The court has ordered visitation, and breaking this order is illegal. If your ex does not send in what he or she is supposed to, you can petition the court to intervene on your behalf. If your ex still refuses to pay the support amount, the court has the authority to garnish his or her wages or even send them to prison. There is effectively a firewall between child support payments, visitation, and time-sharing. Under all circumstances, it is in the best interest of the child that food is on the table, and a roof is over their head.
Visitation and time-sharing does not supersede the basic need for child support payments.
Brandon Legal Group
1209 Lakeside Drive
Brandon FL, 33510
Phone: (813)-902-3576
Email: service@brandonlegalgroup.com