Joseph, Fatherhood Involvement – Dadication Episode 2

The Ad Council’s focus on fathers who are working to make a difference in their children’s lives, regardless of their marital status, visitation rights, or child support obligations, is something we at Brandon Legal Group admire.

Men and women may both be great parents, and the stereotype “Men Bad, Women Good” has been around for far too long. In our profession, we’ve seen both exceptional and negligent parents of both genders.

For this brief series, we’re #Dadication.

Speaker 1:
My biggest fear in the middle of my addiction was that I would never be able to get over it, and that my kids wouldn’t have a father. I overdosed on heroin, and I lived, and I started thinking, “You know what? This isn’t my story.” For the longest time, fear held me back from ultimately being who I wanted to. I found the Fatherhood Program and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life. My desire to change had finally outweighed my desire to stay the same. I felt powerless for so much of my life that it’s important to me that my kids are empowered and truly believe that, if they can think it, they can do it. I definitely had to become a better man to be a better father. For the first time, I finally feel like I’m exactly where I should be, where I want to be.


Brandon Legal Group
1209 Lakeside Drive
Brandon FL, 33510
Phone: (813)-902-3576

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