No matter what happens, my kids come first.
The words of wisdom for this Wednesday are a friendly reminder for all parents, especially those of you who may be going through a divorce. The most common areas of contention during the divorce process usually involve settling matters surrounding the children or finances. Even in an amicable divorce, chances are your children may have been an area of conflict at some point during your split. It can be difficult to agree on a fair child custody (or as the courts refer to it, time-sharing) schedule especially when you may want to always be with your kids. Except with extreme cases like matters involving domestic violence or drug abuse, it is usually best for both parents to be heavily involved in their children’s lives. As you work toward finding an agreement for your time-sharing schedule, remember that you need to put your children’s needs before your own. Be a parent first even if it may mean not getting your way.
As always, we hope that this tidbit of wisdom gives you the motivation you may need to get through your hump day. If you need help with your divorce or child custody, reach out to Brandon Legal Group today.