Married Couples that watch pornography may be more likely to divorce. Well, so many unanswered questions, are they watching together, or illicitly? Or… well… we think we’ll leave this statement just where it is. Unfortunately, the holidays often...
According to research at University of Alberta, children whose parents have divorced are more likely to dropout of school. [/box} We are family law, divorce, and custody attorneys, we don’t pretend to be child behaviorists, psychologists or anthropologists, but...
In Italy, nearly half of divorce proceedings mention the social networking app Whatsapp. Who knew? What goes on social media, stays on social media. We can’t stress enough to our clients, whatever “it” is, keep “it” off of social...
85% of people with a Bachelor’s degree and are married for the second time will make it to their 10th anniversary, instead of divorce. First, Second, Third, More – It’s Never easy Kudos to those who can make their marriage work, and yet another shameless...
Among couples with higher education, according to a study published in the journal “Family Relations” marriages found marriages are less likely to end in a divorce among couple with higher levels of education. However, “African-American women...