Whether you call it Blackout Wednesday, or Thanksgiving Eve, the day before Thanksgiving is the busiest drinking day of the year. Bar owners look forward to this day all year while the employees dread the night long marathon of drunks.
Why is every one out and about?
Thanksgiving Eve marks the beginning of a four day weekend for most Americans. The kids are off of school, workplaces are closed, and people are preparing for the next day’s feast.
With family and friends back in town, many look to meet up over drinks or dinner the night before. This night works out great for those coming into town having nothing to do, and those hosting the dinner who do not want to entertain or cook the night before.
Moreover, Thanksgiving Eve is not only a perfect time to catch up with everyone over a cocktail or seven, but the turkey, mashed potatoes, and stuffing the next day make for the perfect hangover cure.
Staying safe
Thanksgiving Eve can, and should be, a lot of fun. Seeing old friends and reminiscing on old times is a great way to spend part of the holidays. However, mixing drinking and late nights can quickly lead to disaster.
The pre-holiday festivities of Thanksgiving Eve didn’t get its nickname “Blackout Wednesday” for nothing. People for years have used this day as an excuse to drink way more than they should.
Do not kid yourself, the police will be out in force this night. They are well aware that people will be out drinking and many choosing to drive as well.
If you have been out drinking, it is always best to have a designated driver or an Uber/Lyft ready to take you home. Having a ride ready can not only save you money, but potentially time too. Nobody, wants to be driving home only to be pulled over for a DUI and forced to spend Thanksgiving in a jail cell without mom’s apple pie.
Also, even if you haven’t been drinking, it does not mean that someone else on the road isn’t drunk and going to cause an accident. Neither jail, nor the hospital are great ways to spend your Thanksgiving.