A real parent will not use their child as a weapon to hurt the other parent when the relationship breaks down.

This week the family law attorneys at Brandon Legal Group would like to provide our divorced, divorcing, or single parents with a little bit of advice and awareness. Just when you are ready to spite your ex in whatever way possible, remember these words and keep your children out of it.  Although you may be angry at your ex and hurting, you should never put your child in the middle of your conflict. Using your child as a weapon against the other parent is not only hurtful to that parent, but it can also be damaging to the child for years to come.

In extreme cases, this type of behavior can develop into parental alienation. Parental alienation occurs when one parent manipulates a child into isolating themselves from (and perhaps even hating) the other parent. Parental alienation is considered psychological abuse and can have a negative impact on the child for the rest of his/her life. Except in extreme cases like physical abuse or substance abuse, children should have a relationship with both parents.

As divorce and paternity attorneys, our lawyers come into contact with some messy cases (especially when it comes to child custody), but we urge you to always remember to put your child’s needs first. No matter how much you may hate your ex, you should never use the kids for your own benefit in your divorce or paternity case.




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