Divorce is a complex process involving many emotional, financial, and legal challenges. The division of shared property and genuine estate are among the most critical aspects of divorce settlements. This article explores the complexities of managing shared property during a divorce and how a divorce attorney can be instrumental in navigating this process.

Understanding Property Division in DivorceDivorce Property Division

During divorce proceedings, the division of property, which encompasses all assets acquired during the marriage, can be one of the most contentious areas. Every state has laws governing property division and defining what constitutes property. In some, the property is divided equally (community property states), while in others, it’s divided equitably or fairly, which may not necessarily mean equally (equitable distribution states).  

Regarding property division in a divorce, real estate assets often play a significant role. These could involve the primary residence and properties like holiday homes, rental units, or real estate investments. The emotional significance of these assets, their considerable financial value, and the logistical considerations involved in dividing them can make determining who receives what and what proportion a complex process.

In Florida, marital property refers to the assets and debts accumulated during a marriage, subject to equitable distribution in the event of a divorce. This includes tangible items such as houses, cars, and furniture, as well as intangible ones such as bank accounts, retirement plans, and business interests. Florida law also recognizes separate property, which includes assets owned before the marriage, inheritances received by one spouse, and gifts are given specifically to one spouse. Understanding what constitutes “property” in Florida’s divorce law is crucial, as it lays the foundation for dividing assets and debts upon dissolution of marriage.

Types of Shared Property

Shared property in a divorce can be broken down into several categories:

  • Real Estate: This includes marital homes, vacation homes, rental properties, or land investments. 
  • Personal Property: This can include cars, furniture, artwork, jewelry, and other personal belongings.
  • Financial Assets: Bank accounts, stocks, bonds, retirement accounts, and life insurance policies fall into this category.
  • Business Interests: If the couple owns a business together, their shared business interests are also considered marital property.
  • Intellectual Property: Copyrights, patents, and royalties can also be considered shared property if they were acquired or increased in value during the marriage.

Pets as Property

For many couples, pets are considered part of the family. However, deciding who gets custody of the pets can be a complex and emotional process when it comes to divorce.

In many jurisdictions, pets are considered personal property, meaning they would typically be subject to the same division rules as other personal property items in a divorce. However, many pet owners view their pets as more than just property, leading to heated disputes over pet custody.

In Florida, pets are generally considered personal property for purposes of divorce, meaning they are subject to equitable distribution between spouses, just like any other assets. However, courts increasingly recognize the emotional bond between humans and their pets, and some judges may consider the pet’s best interests, such as who primarily cared for the pet during the marriage, when deciding on pet custody issues.

Role of Divorce Attorneys in Property Division

A divorce attorney can provide invaluable assistance during this process. They can help clarify the laws of your state, ensuring that you understand your rights and what to expect regarding property division. A skilled divorce attorney can represent your interests in negotiations with your spouse’s attorney or court.

Attorneys can also help in the identification and valuation of marital property. They can work with real estate professionals, appraisers, and financial advisors to ensure that all properties are accurately valued. This step is crucial as it forms the basis of the division of assets.

Moreover, a divorce attorney can propose various options for dealing with shared real estate. These can include selling the property and dividing the proceeds, one party buying out the other’s interest, or even continuing to own the property jointly, depending on the couple’s circumstances and relationship.

Understanding the Tax Implications

The division of real estate in a divorce also has potential tax implications. The transfer of property between spouses during a divorce is typically tax-free. However, capital gains taxes may be considered when the property is sold. 

A knowledgeable divorce attorney can guide you through these tax implications. They can also collaborate with tax professionals to ensure that the property division is structured to minimize your tax obligations and avoid any potential tax pitfalls.

Children and the Marital Home

marital property division in divorce

dividing property in a divorce

When children are involved, decisions about the marital home become even more complicated. Courts often prioritize the child’s best interest, influencing who gets the marital home. 

A divorce attorney can help advocate for your interests and your children’s. They can present compelling arguments to the court regarding the suitability of each parent in retaining the marital home and negotiate agreements that prioritize the welfare of the children while ensuring fairness for both parties.

In a Florida divorce, the family home, as part of the marital property, is subject to equitable distribution, which means the court divides it equitably, but not necessarily equally, considering factors such as each spouse’s financial circumstances, contribution to the home, and the welfare of any minor children involved.


Divorce and real estate management can be complex, laden with emotional, financial, and legal challenges. By enlisting the services of a competent divorce attorney, you can navigate this intricate process with more confidence and peace of mind. 

The attorney’s role extends beyond legal advice, providing strategic guidance and emotional support during this challenging time. Their expertise in property division, understanding of tax implications, and ability to advocate for you and your children’s best interests can be invaluable in achieving a fair and satisfactory outcome in your divorce proceedings.

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