While Divorce is the ultimate emotional test, you should never let your emotions cloud your financial responsibility.

This applies on multiple levels, from over-communicating with your soon to be ex-spouse and copying your attorney, who will need to read it and bill their time, to binge spending as revenge. Financial Responsibility extends to always taking care of the needs of the children, to making all court-ordered payments to your ex-spouse.

Keep calm and communicate thoroughly to your attorney during the scheduled hours you have with them, follow their advice.

As always, every situation is unique. This series is intended to “start the thinking process” to take emotive choices out of a hard situation. Everyone’s situation is different, and this is not intended as legal advice. Please, speak to a divorce attorney prior to making any decisions, especially decisions based on a simple blog post. There are many mitigating factors that will go into the final divorce decree.

Brandon Legal Group
Family Law Attorneys
Brandon, FL
​(813) 902-3576

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